
Dr. Chad Hellwinckel

I have been implementing permaculture on my own land in Knoxville, Tennessee since 2001. I’ve spoken often on the subject, and after helping out many friends in Knoxville design their own yards, I decided to start consulting in 2014. I value to opportunity to use my knowledge and resources to grow healthy food for my neighbors!

In addition to farming, I am a part time research associate professor of agricultural economics at the University of Tennessee. I research local food systems, biofuels, and work with others to figure out ways to get more people on the land and producing. I also teach a class on Observation.

I began learning about ecological farming at the Land Institute where I worked for 3 years in the early 1990’s. That let to an interest in permaculture, with classes taken from Peter Bane and Bill Wilson.

Over the years I have consulted both urban dwellers and rural homesteaders alike, and built a network of skilled permaculture practitioners and landowners. If you are interested in my help on your own land, please see my consulting services.


Chad is available to speak at events.



Permaculture in Your Yard, BloomsDay Festival, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. May 7.

Pemaculture in Your Yard Stanley’s Greenhouse, , Knoxville, TN, March 5.

How to throw a Permablitz: Lessons from the Knoxville Permaculture Guild, Organic Growers School Conference, Asheville, NC. March 12.


Eating as if the World Depends on It, Oxfam America Club, Annual GROW dinner, International House, University of Tennessee, November 18.

Eating Green, instructor Karen Wetherall, Professional Issues in Dietetics, Nutrition 410 , University of Tennessee, November 3.

Permaculture in the garden Gardening Class, JoAnne Logan instructor, University of Tennessee, September 30.

What is Permaculture Design? Landscape Archetecture Class, Garry Menendez instructor, University of Tennessee, April 7.

Creating Resilience in the Parkridge Neighborhood, Haslem Scholars Lecture, Baker Center, University of Tennessee, March 6.

What is a Food Desert? Students Promoting Environmental Action in Knoxvlle (SPEAK), University of Tennessee CU, January 26th.


The Importance of Food Access. Knoxville Food Week Kickoff, Beardsely Community Farm, Knoxville, TN Oct 22.

What is the Knoxville Food Policy Council. SPEAK student environmental group, monthly meeting, University of Tennessee, Oct 9.

WANTED: 10,000 Lunatic Farmers. Pellissippi State, Good Food For All Lecture, Goins Auditorium, September 15.


Sustainable Agriculture: What does it look like? World Food Day Potluck, UT OXFAM, University of Tennessee, Nov 21.

Reflections on Decision Making in Food Policy Councils, Food Policy Council Convening, Change Lab Solutions, Chicago, IL Nov 13.

One Straw Revolution, Books Sandwiched In’ Lecture, Knox County Public Libraries, East Tennessee History Center, September 18.

Sustainable Building Techniques, Dialog Session, Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church, Knoxville, TN, May 19.

Ask the Experts: Is the Price Right? Understanding the economics of healthy food for consumers and farmers Is the Price Right: Round 2, Webinar sponsored by the Healthy Farms, Healthy People Coalition, February 7.

Small Slow Solutions using Permaculture, Pecha Kucha, Square Room, Knoxville, TN Jan 24.


Local Permaculture in Addressing Global Problems, Dialog Session, Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church, Knoxville, TN Sept 23.

Permaculture: Designing the Good Life in the Age of Breakdown, Kwanis Club, at the Foundry, Knoxville, TN, Sept 19.

Is the Price Right? Understanding the economics of healthy food for consumers and farmers, Webinar sponsored by the Healthy Farms, Healthy People Coalition, August 2.

Reasons, Vision, and Strategies for Building a Local Food System in Knoxville, Eat Play Live Conference, STEM Academy, Knoxville, TN March 10.


Building Local Food Systems: Lets Get Real. TEDx Knoxville. The Square Room, Knoxville TN, November 17.

How can we promote and strengthen the economic viability of local food systems? Healthy Farms Healthy People Conference: a Farm and Food Policy Summit for a Strong America, Arlington VA, May 17-18.

Local Food: Critiquing industrialized food production and exploring local food choices. Bi-annual panel of the Sociological Graduate School Association, McClung Auditorium, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, April 19.

The economics and energetics of building a local food system, Quarterly East Tennessee Public Health Forum, Cumberland Hotel, Knoxville, TN, April 7.

How to make good soil through composting: Part I. Parkridge Neighborhood, Knoxville, TN, March 6


Knoxville Permaculture Guild and Local Agriculture. More Living with Jim Brogan, WOKI-FM NewsTalk 98.7. September 19.

Building low-tech coldframes and raising greens through the winter. Parkridge Neighborhood, November 21.

Keeping Backyard Hens: Knoxville’s new ordinance. Knoxville Botanical Gardens, Knoxville, TN. September 18.

Regenerative Agriculture: New strategies on the other side of peak oil. Torch Club. Knoxville, TN. March 18th.

Agriculture and Energy Descent: Relevant Knowedge for Your Future, Guest Lecturer, International Trade Class, Professor DG De La Torre Ugarte, Morgan Hall, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, February 24th.

Agriculture and Energy Descent: The Emerging Importance of Gardening, Knoxville Master Gardeners Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN, February 9.


Agriculture and Energy: New Prospects for Agriculture, Invited Speaker for CEDnet annual meetings, Highlander Center, New Market, TN, December.

Cob Construction: Building with Local Earthen Materials. Parkridge Community Garden, Knoxville, TN, June.

Energy and Agriculture: Stepping back for perspective, Invited Speaker, Beaver Creek Watershed Association, Powell, TN, May 2.

Fundamentals of Permaculture. The Birdhouse, Knoxville, TN, with Gene Monoco May 2.

A Regenerative System for East Tennessee: Introduction to Edible Forests. Lecture at the Ivan Racheff House and Gardens, Knoxville, TN. April 4.

Agriculture, Energy and Permaculture, Mountain Justice Spring Break, Laurel High School Building, Knoxville, TN, with Gene Monaco, March 14th.


What is Permaculture? Invited speaker, Sustainable Living Road Show. Knoxville, TN, September 22.

Edible Forest Gardening Invited speaker, Knoxville Permaculture Guild. Knoxville, TN, November 22.

Agriculture, Energy, and Biomass: Stepping back for Perspective. Ijam’s Nature Center Science Café. Invited speaker, January 8th.